9 Jul 2017

Self publishing update

My first priority was to contact Michelle at idesign because she had been so helpful with my book
'1984 As It Was for Me', recording my 1984 diary published 30 years later in 2014, principally for gifts.
Michelle agreed to prepare the Nanna Strawberry books for print but did not do illustrations.  The second priority became the illustrator. Ten planned per book for twelve Nanna Strawberry books  required a style appealing to young children. A combintion of simplicity and colour and above all animation to bring the text to life in their imagination. An aid to adults who may be telling the tale. Each story was anecdotal so background details required some representation of easily identifiable features. I was exploring various options, without success, when chance stepped in. While diverted to studying an on line advertisement for accommodation, one caught my attention. The applicant mentioned that she was a freelance graphic designer. I contacted her to ask if she would be interested  in illustrating the series of children's books I was about to publish. We met at my home to discuss It was clear from artistic samples that Vladi enjoyed colour and she was confident she could complete the illustrations as required. A contract was agreed a few weeks later and Vladislava Vatashka became illustrator, also graphic designer,  for the twelve books because Michelle regretfully decided her current workload did not leave enough time to for the full set.

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