29 Aug 2018


The sun shone despite predictions and Main Street looked festive with many visitors to the stalls.
SMATT'S DUO was closed but Nanna Strawberry had permission from Sue and Matt to
 make use of their porch for her book display. It worked well and provided shelter.  Feet were
 chilled though so Audrey appreciated the loan of warm sock from Carol at Sleepy Elephant.
The new book for the occasion was book 9, Nanna Strawberry Remembers Crabbing...
                                                                                            and the Fun Machine
 and describes how Grandad Will introduced five of his grandchildren to the art of catching crabs
 and later returning them to their water. Several youngsters bought a copy gifted by grandparents
or parents.  Nanna Strawberry always enjoys hearing the lovely variety of unique names which
 she adds to each purchase, with her signature. The name Rose is certainly a top favourite this year,
 usually in combination with another pretty first name. Nanna hopes you all enjoyed your books.

Unfortunately, after carefully packing everything away for home, Nanna discovered that her small
 black shoulder bag was missing.  It has no monetary value, but contains useful lists , information,
 small decorations and blue tack to fix them in place and her receipt book which lists sales venues.
 Hopefully it will be returned by the finder, to DUO if possible, or care of Sleepy Elephant where
she can pick it up. Love and best wishes to everyone for a happy Bank Holiday weekend x

14 Aug 2018


Book 9 is now in progress, all illustrations completed, script edited, and now in the hands
 of designer Wayne for completion. To be printed at Stramongate Press, Kendal, Cumbria.

Target date is delivery by 24th August to be on sale in Sedbergh the next day, 25th August.
Sue and Matt, SMATT'S DUO, are taking a well earned  holiday break with their family, so
their cafe will be closed. However, Sue has kindly agreed to Nanna Strawberry having her book
 display and signing within their doorway as this coincides with the Sedbergh Artisan Street
Market,  unless an alternative venue is available..

                                                           ....and the Fun Machine

describes the lovely time when, as Nanna Audrey to her grandchildren, she and their Grandad
taught four granddaughters and one grandson how to catch crabs from the boating lake at
New Brighton (or anywhere else you can do so). Even Nanna had a go.  However, the day
ended with a calamity which had everyone in a panic, until Grandad and their Mum sorted it out,
which will be  described in the next book, number 10 in the series of 12 Nanna Strawberry Stories
Then only two more stories to complete !
Hopefully, readers will want to collect the full set !
Available at Sleepy Elephant, Sedbergh, and other listed venues. Also Amazon £3.99 + postage.