9 Feb 2019


Amazon offers alternatives for collection of books from authors, such as collection
from given address at higher cost,  or delivery to a collection point at a lower rate, with
a small handling fee and a template for labels containing their own barcode, which has
to be printed by seller to go over the printed isbn barcode on back of each book

The following collection rates are sub-divided between carrier and Amazon:

Collection point rates to Warrington:                   Return rates, Warrington base to Huyton?
                                                                         No particular order, some boxes mixed:
Book 11 (Shetland Pip)   I T fee    3.29             Quantity ?                 £ -16.56
                                    Amazon     5.10

Book 10  (Key fishing)      IT fee    3.29             100 ?                         243.36
           9  (Crabbing)                      1.81                    ?                             9.36
                                    Amazon     5.10

Book 8  (Billy)                 IT fee     3.28              100?                           72.00
                                             P/G   1.80
                                     Amazon     5.08

Book 7  (Easter Fun)                                                ?                          159.12                                                                
         6  (Queen)              IT fee      6.53                   ?                              0.72            
                                    Amazon    10.12                   ?                          

Book 5 (Stories)               IT fee     3.28                   ?                          150.00
          4  (Christmas)                       1.80                   ?                            35.28                                
                                   Amazon     10.12                                               
Book 3(Riding)                 IT fee     6.50                   ?                            51.12                                
         2 (Stories)                              3.58                   ?                            19.44
                                        Amazon 10.08                      

Book 1 (Magical Naming)    IT fee   3.25                  ?                            29.42                                                
                                        Amazon   1.79                          Less total of 10 sold.

Totalling       £91.20                                                              Totalling £606.96 
                                                                                          to be drawn from bank a/c
                                                                                          by Amazon, without invoice
                                                                                          or information, just notice given
                                                                                          prior to completion of delivery of
                                                                                        Many in damaged packing boxes.

Amazon simply informed Emma that they would be drawing £606.96 from my account 6 February,
(four days later).  I contacted my bank to prevent this until discussed. Amazon then attempted to
draw this sum from Emma's account, which her bank informed her of, having declined payment..
This is disgraceful.  The unauthorised return fee is disgraceful too. Treating the book account as
their personal pot of gold. If Amazon contact me, as the responsible person, then I would hope
we can reach agreement about a more realistic return fee. I could have collected from Warrington.

However, details provided inside the return boxes, most of which are only taped along the lid and
not around the box, which allows box and contents to sag, and tearing corners to reveal contents
pushing through the tear. Most boxes only half full, packed with lengths of brown paper to fill
gaps. Different to criteria demanded by Amazon for despatch to them, which included masking
tape along, across and around whole box, which was complied with on each monthly delivery.

Over the course of four days, returns were shipped from Warrington Quays, Hemmel Hampstead,
NE Yorkshire, Dunstan in Scotland, and other far reaching addresses,  so no wonder storage charges escalated and return costs are so expensive.

A letter addressed to Emma arrived at my home address at the end of September.2019.
On 1st October, at Emma's request, I telephoned the company Arvato, which had been instructed
by Amazon to collect the unpaid monies from me, to which Amazon had now added £133.00 it
claimed for ongoing storage fees and cost of returns of  further books. So 'debt' now £741.61 !!
I had not requested prolonged storage, delayed return. My request had been for return of ALL.

I again requested recognition  by Amazon that I was the responsible person they should be
communicating with, being author, illustrator, publisher and copyright owner. Emma was my
IT assistant and NOT responsible for finances relating to Nanna Strawberry Stories.
Eventually Aravato agent called Margaret was allowed to speak to me.  After much
discussion and analysis of terms of agreement, I emphasised that the books were
returned to my home address from many far corners of UK, most in poorly secured 
large cardboard boxes into which packing paper had been stuffed to prevent books
from moving about, but some had and been creased in the process. Others were damp
from heavy rain which had soaked and damaged some books between their carrier
and my front door.  I believe these could have been delivered to Amazon HQ in
Warrington where I could have collected them without facing exhorbitant costs.
Margaret asked how much was I prepared to pay Amazon. My preference was £100,
slightly more than cost of delivery books to Amazon's collection points in Liverpool.
However, as Emma was still being held as the financially responsible person, I 'surrendered'
and paid 50% of the original charge of £606.86, equal to £303.48.  Far more than Amazon's
return service deserved .  Absolute exploitation to charge ANY author for  costly long
 distance return deliveries beyond their control in poorly packed cardboard containers
resulting in damage to some of the contents, making them unsaleable. I regret that I
paid so much but did not want to prolong this matter any further.

 I would say to other authors, that they would be ill-advised to have anything to do
with Amazon for sales promotions of their precious books. I wrote and published my
Nanna Strawberry Stories from the age of 80 and was so proud of my achievements
in doing so.  The bullying manner in which Amazon announced to me, without a statement
of return costs, that they would be taking the sum of £606.96 from my NS a/c the following 
Tuesday, is absolutley disgraceful.  To add £133 for Sept deliveries of further books
 which should have been included in original returns, February 2019, is also disgraceful.
I just wish I was younger and had the energy to take Amazon to Court for their abusive
system of management for return of unsold prized book entrusted to them by authors.

Audrey Wilson
Author Nanna Strawberry Stories.
Copyright @ Audrey Wilson

Audrey Wilson, Author and Publisher, Nanna Strawberry Stories.A

8 Feb 2019


My granddaughter who helpfully assisted me with lodging books with Amazon
is now being hounded by them as the 'responsible person' despite all claims
and evidence to the contrary.  I am the responsible person, the author and
publisher, the person  who delivered books to Amazon collection points, the person they
were returned to, at my home address.


I have provided you with my contact details and they are included in each book.

I object to paying £606.96 for the  return of books by carrier, which I could easily have
collected from the Amazon depot in Warrington and paid a smaller handling charge.
Their method of self payment is simply to notify you it is coming out of your outcome in
a few days time.  No statement with this notice how this huge amount was reached. No
opportunity to make arrangements for collection rather than expensive delivery. No-one
to speak to at Amazon.

The quality of emails sent to Emma by Amazon is appalling. A robort must have written
them.  Despite the seriousness of situation their letters conclude with trite sentiments
such as 'have a nice day'  and hopes we have enjoyed the experience.  Quite insulting in
the circumstances/

My love and thanks to Emma for her excellent email responses to Amazon, which are
clearly not being addressed by appropriate responses. Robotic would best describe them.

Amazon still intend to treat Emma's personal bank account and the special book account
as their own private pot of gold which they can dip into whenever they think of a number,
making several random withdrawals without authorisation to do so.

Audrey Wilson Author and Publisher.

6 Feb 2019


On the 67th anniversary of HM succession to the throne, 1952, following
the death of her beloved father, King Geore VI.

Audrey Wilson MBE

5 Feb 2019


Nanna Strawberry books will no longer be available from Amazon.

Regrettably sales were minimal through Amazon, storage charges began and were paid on a
monthly basis, which far outweighed the few sales, so a sensible decision was reached by the
author to close the storage by return of the books.  The books were then returned by P.O.
The author then received notice sent to EP  that the sum of £606.96 was to be drawn by Amazon
 from the book account on 6 February 2019.
That is appalling. Quite unjustifiable.
No information.  No opportuity to collect the books, with an agreed handling charge as when they
 were delivered month by month at a collection point.  No opportunity to collect them at the depot.
The bank was contacted and the only way the account could be protected was by stopping its visa
 debit card, which has been done. This may temporarily affect some bank transfer sales transactions
 from other sources, for which I apologise.
.New card number awaited.  I await a statement by Amazon for clarification, but emptied storage space cannot possibly apply..
 I will keep you informed.  Audrey, Author and publisher, Nanna /Strawberry Stories.