27 Mar 2018

Revisiting Blacklow Brow School Book Writing project

On Monday 26th March, I spent a wonderful day with my young friends at Blacklow Brow
School in Huyton, this time to participate with encouragement and advice to each class in turn
during the school's book writing project. The style and format of Nanna Strawberry Stories
was a good model for the children to choose a character and activity and then to write about
it in their story book as if it had actually happened..I spent 20 minutes in each class, seven in
all, with a lunch break shared with Caitlin and school prefects. What a treat that was! Bright
company, cheerful red table cloth covered with dishes of tasty rolls, crisps, assorted fancy cakes
and strawberries.Then more class visits. A boy  in one class asked "How old are you Nanna Strawberry?"."Very old" I replied. "  "yes, but how old?" he repeated. "82" said I.
 "82!!" he hollered, "that IS old, My Nan is 67", "Well, mine is 73" said a classmate and soon
 The War Of The Ageing Nanna was underway, children competing to have the oldest Nanna,
until their teacher brought the class back to stories.
I have to say, I have gone through the grandma stage and have now reached great grandma status
which requires a greater age. Great fun !  My final class visits were to Year 5 and 6. By then these
classes had worked all day on their books and in Year 6 I was privileged to have several books
read to me by their authors. All very imaginative and well written. Clearly some future famous
authors among their ranks.

To complete my visit to Blacklow Brow School a special assembly was held in the hall for all the
classes so the children could thank me for spending the day with them.  I can only say that Nanna Strawberry thanks you all for your affectionate welcome and for creating such fun themes for each
of your stories. It was a privilege to spend a day with such creative and well mannered authors.
My thanks also to your Head Mrs Williams, Mrs Ferragan, Literacy, all class teachers and my
helpful escort, Laura who made sure I was in the right class by the right time.
Nanna Strawberry.

1 comment:

  1. It was an absolute pleasure to be able to welcome you back to our schoo. The children gained much from your style of writing and the input and enthusiasm you show for what you do. The children have created some fantastic stories. It was rewarding to see how excited the all of the children from nursery to year 6 were about writing. You are welcome in our school at any time and we look forward to sharing many more adventures with you. From the staff and children at Blacklow I would like to say thank you for inspiring so many.
    Mrs Ann-marie Ferrigan
